Visual Board

VisualBoard is a web application that collects and analyzes production data in near real-time in any discrete manufacturing plant. The main objectives of the application are to identify the actual process performance (OEE), as well as visualize areas for improvement and provide quality metrics.

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The central component of VisualBoard is our web application, which can reside in a local server in your company or in a private cloud accessible only to our client user. For private cloud clients, each installation runs on its own instance (virtual server) and can scale as needed. All you need is a web browser to monitor production, equipment availability, order status, personnel assigned to each workstation, and more, all in real-time.

To automate the production counting, we utilize sensors. The type of sensor used depends on the operation being monitored, but essentially, any physical signal can be sensorized and used to trigger an increase in the production count. The data from the sensors is collected through our Gateway, where initial processing is performed before being sent to our application.

To complement the information provided by the sensors, it’s important to understand what is happening on the production floor. This is where the data collection station comes in as the ideal tool, allowing operators to communicate and record stoppages, reasons for production losses, make adjustments or manual production entries, track the progress of existing production work orders and upcoming ones, and access real-time reports and OEE. All of this is done through a user-friendly and intuitive interface.

Provide your workers with the necessary tools to bring your company into the Industry 4.0 era. Schedule a no-obligation demonstration and see how VisualBoard can benefit your organization.

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